La libertà dell'uomo è definitiva ed immediata,
se così egli vuole;
essa non dipende da vittorie esterne,
ma interne.
Paramahansa Yogananda
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se così egli vuole;
essa non dipende da vittorie esterne,
ma interne.
Paramahansa Yogananda
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suggerito da un amico, riporto di seguito questo articolo pubblicato su, con la soddisfazione di vedere come... finalmente, qualche autorevole esperto si prodighi nell'analizzare la questione Serbia/Kosovo in base alla realtà dei fatti e non in base all'interesse occidentale.
Un tentativo di vedere la questione dal punto di vista della volontà della Serbia: di non voler essere "ridotta in schiavitù" e asservita alla politica occidentale.
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Surprise! Serbs Will Not Be Serfs – OpEd
The Serbian people elected a new President, Tomislav Nikolic, in a “surprise victory.” Surprise to whom – apparently to western journalists and tendentious pollsters. The Serbian people are telling the EU imperialist technocrats that they had enough of their baloney. Serbs will not be serfs.
Serbia has done everything asked of them by the West. Turning over every war criminal the West has indicted. First, former Serbian President, Slobodan Milosevic, was turned over to the International Criminal Tribal for the Former Yugoslavia (in The Hague) on June 28, 2001, (St. Vidus Day) for trial. Then they handed over indicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic on July 21, 2008. Finally, on May 26, 2011 the Serbian authority arrested wanted war criminal Ratko Mladic, and have handed him over to authorities in The Hague.
Meanwhile, Albanian war criminals from Kosovo and Albania go free. Including, Hashim Thaçi, the Prime Minister of Kosovo!
Serbia will look eastward toward Russia, because the West, including the US, has pushed it there. In his first foreign trip as President, Tomislav Nikolic, on May 26, met with Vladimir Putin, in Moscow, his Russian counterpart.
There is a larger issue here. And, it is serious. Naïve and foolish foreign policy cost lives. People die. Don’t expect Mr. Obama to rush into another Balkan war. Without American firepower, Serbia would be a formidable foe to any continental military force. And, one cannot predict that Russia will sit on the sidelines this time after their humiliation in the aftermath of the last Kosovo War.
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